Monday, July 20, 2009



The Garden is in full bloom now. I went to Chicago last weekend and before I left I checked the garden. There were tiny cucumbers and tiny zucchini both with large blossoms at the ends. By the time I got back, a day and half later, I had about a half dozen large cucumbers so heavy they pulled down the vine and big round zucchini that held so tight to the plant I had to use sharp kitchen shears to free them.



I noticed a few pods on the bush beans but was surprised at just how many were hiding under the leaves of the plant. I picked a large bowl full. I blanched the whole harvest and quickly shocked them in ice water. I cooked some for dinner that night and froze the rest in small batches, saving them for the winter. I couldn’t resist steaming a small bag the next morning. I dipped the beans in a soft boiled egg for breakfast. There are plenty of small pods remaining on the bush and we should have another large crop in about a week.

The lady bugs are still eating up all the aphids and I only see a little bit of chewed damage here and there. I catch sight of the lady bugs every time I am in the garden and the other day I noticed two lady bugs at work making more lady bugs.


Every tomato plant is dotted with small green fruit. Tomatoes are always a bitter sweet event as they are red and ripened in the last weeks of summer, a reminder of the end of the end of the season.


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